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Farnworth House - Manor of Duxbury 1292 - 2007


Farnworth House from the Burgh or Wall Field - 2007.


Farnworth House - 2007

1288 A.D.  Farnworth  House is occupied by the Blackburnshire Family.



1550 A.D.  Farnworth  House is occupied by the Farnworth Family


Lease –  Jamys Standysshe to John Farneworthe  - 1550/1


            Thys indenture tripertyte [tripartite], made the 16th daye of Januarii in the yere of Edwarde the sext, withe the grace of God, of Englande, Fraunc[e] and Ireland, Kynge, Defend[our] of ye faythe, and Uppon erthe, sup[re]me hede of the churche of England and also of Ireland, next and Immedyatlye Und[er] christe, the 4th,

            Betwene Jamys Standysshe of Duckysburye within the countie off Lanc[aster], esquyre, one the one partye,

And John Farneworthe the eldest so[n]ne of Gylys Farneworthe and Alys Farneworthe, late wyffe of ye said Gylys Farnewor the, weddoe, one the other partie,

Witnessethe th[a]t the forsaid Jamys Standysshe, for the su[m]me of £4 11s 8d to hym payd aforehande by the handes of Gylys Farneworthe decessed, for the gressum [entry fine] of hym, the said Gyllys, and John Farneworthe hys so[n]ne the elder,

            Demysyt, sett and to ferme lett, and by theys presens demyseth, settethe and to ferme Lettethe, one mesuage and ten[emen]t, w[i]t[h] all the closures, pastures, medowes, woodes [and] [?cro]ft[?es], w[i]t[h] thayre app[ur]tenaunces, in Duckysburye aforesaid, late in the holdynge of the aforesaid Gylys Farneworthe,

Except one acre of land called the Shayehed, and for that acre called the Shayehed the said Jamys Standysshe demysethe and graunteth to the aforesaid John and Gylys on acre of hys waste in Duckysburye aforesaid,

            To have and to hould ye on mowtie [moiety, half share] of the said mesuage and allother the

p[re]myss[es] to the aforesaid John Farneworthe durynge hys lyve,

And the other mowtie thereof, and all the p[re]mysses to the aforesaid Alys Farneworthe [late wyffe of ye said] Gylys Farneworthe, wydowe, duryng her lyve,

            Payinge therefore yerlye to the said Jamys Standysshe, hys heyres or assignes, for the said mesuage and ten[emen]t 13s 4d ob[ulum] [ie 13s 4½d],

And for the acre of waste, after three yeres expyred, 3s 4d.

And also the said John and Alys to paye yerlye the chefe rentes dewe to o[ur] suffraunt [sovereign] Lord the Kinge and all other for ye said mesuage and everye parte thereof conteyned in the leyse durynge the said terme, with boundes, averagys and Cervyces [services] accustomed to be borne, payed and done, uppon the charge of bothe the said John and Alys equallye devyded betwene theym,

            Provyded alwayes that yf the said Alys dye afore the said John, that then that mowtie and parte of the said mesuage and all other the p[re]myss[es] to remayne and co[m]me to the said John durynge hys lyve, payinge yerely therefore all Rentes and Cervyces as the said Alys dyd,

            And yf yt fortune the said John to dye afore the said Alys, then that mowtie and parte that he occupyeth and hadd to be att the wyll of the said Jamys Standysshe and hys heires,

            And yf it fortune the yerely rentes of 13s 4d ob[ulum] to be behynd and unpayed, in parte or in all, by the space of one monethe after any of the days w[hi]ch it Oughte to be payed at, and noe sufficyent dysstres Canne be founde in or uppon the said mesuage or ten[emen]t,

Then hyt shalbe leyfull [lawfull] for the said Jamys Standysshe and hys heires to Re-entre and have agayne thayre sayd p[ar]te and mowtie that makethe the fawte [fault], as in hys fyrst estate, any thynge herein to the contrary [in any wyse] notwithestandynge.

            In wytnes whereof I, the aforesaid Jamys Standysshe, to theis presentes have set to my seale, and signed wythe my hand the same daye and yere above specyfyed.